The key to success with any network marketing company is to have a constant flow of new prospects. You see, even with the most updated strategies, and the best training and support, someone can still fail if they do not have a strong mindset. And this can only be achieved through practical experience. Heavy focus on recruitment is the primary cause for companies like Herbalife to be sued by the Federal Trade Commission FTC successfully.Įspecially if you are not in the field of sales, you are going to need to brush up your sales skills and the ability to convince people. It simply means that distributors shift their focus towards recruiting or enrolling people into the business opportunity, even before they promote the products. As legitimate as Forever Living is, there will be groups of people who will run their business in the likes of a pyramid scheme. All you need to know is that if you decide to join Forever Living, the strategies that you will learn are most likely going to set you up for failure. I am speaking of those foot soldiers who are actively recruiting people as their downlines. I am not speaking of those at the top of the food chain the MLM Pyramid …. Regrettably, the problem lies with the leaders of Forever Living. Though the Forever Living products are expensive, it is still marketable if you know how to promote our products more effectively. Most importantly, by the end of this review, you will know if the Forever Living business opportunity is worth your time and money.

If you have a different experience from me, please feel free to share your experience with me in the comments section below.īut rather, I want to talk about the business opportunity and the problems that most Forever Living distributors like my Mum faced. It only costs a few bucks, and the contents from a raw Aloe Vera beats the Aloe extract used in the Forever Living Products. Solely my opinion: Honestly, you do not need Forever Living products to enjoy the benefits of Aloe Vera, all you need is to head over to the supermarket and buy Aloe Vera off the shelf. To me, their products are way overpriced because of an ingredient that they added to almost every one of its product lines, Aloe Vera.įorever Living is a long-standing company with product lines spanning across healthy living to skincare. I have used many of Forever Living products over the years, and I can almost certainly say that I feel no difference using their products as compared to their competitors. My mum was involved with Forever Living a few years ago….